Friday, August 7, 2015

Ecuador - Baños

Going to Baños was one of the main highlights of my trip. It's a town that is full of adventure with any type of outdoor activity you can imagine. About 8 other volunteers and I took a three hour bus ride down there on our first weekend.We did as much as we could in our short time in Baños, one insane thing we did was white water rafting which deserved it's own post you can read here.

If you ever search Ecuador on pinterest the swing on the treehouse is by far the most popular picture that comes up. The first picture shows how you actually get onto the swing.

Getting to and from the swing we hired a truck that just let us all ride in the back. Anything pretty much goes in Ecuador. Seat belts and car seats don't really exist, and basically you can fit as many
people as you want.

Driving home from the swing we stopped at a lookout spot that allowed you to see all of Baños all at once. You can tell how high the swing is from looking down at the city in these pictures.

Another memorable part of the trip was this was the first time I have stayed in a hostel. All of us that went stayed in this one room with a bunch of bunk beds. 

That basically sums up Baños, it is seriously one of the coolest places to visit. I love adventure so it definitely is a place that fits me well. 

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